Daily Archives: November 25, 2009


i’m not going home for thanksgiving. due to the terribly inadequate length of our break, the fact that 2 full days are wasted on travel, and the imminence of exams, it just doesn’t make sense to go home until christmas. besides, it would just be a tease, and in 3 weeks i will be home for 3 weeks with nothing academic to do. delightful.

until then, study study study. all of my courses this semester are exam courses, and as such, i have 8 days to take 5 exams. truly daunting. so i’m sitting in the library now with the only 5 people who are still around. which means it is quiet.

and lord in heaven, i’m thankful for quiet today.

it’s depressing enough to not go home for what is seen as the most family-oriented of holidays, it would just be horrible if i couldn’t get some peace and quiet in which to study. it’s about as quiet as a graveyard in here, and i’m so grateful.

  • no 1Ls running around, freaking out about exams [they have no idea what they’re in for].
  • i more or less have tons of space all to myself.
  • i can get all kinds of work done
  • next week, the true freak out about exams will commence. until then, silence is golden.


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