Daily Archives: December 13, 2009

place lived

december 13: what’s the best change you made to the place you live?

i’ve lived in 3 places this year. 4 if you count my parents’ home.

they’ve all had different characteristics making them special.

  • my very first apartment. i lived all by myself for the very first time. liberating, educational, and weird.
  • my killer place this summer with the awesome roof deck.
  • and the house i’m renting now. i love it – it is an old house with lots of character, on a quiet street right on the bay, and is just precious. we have tons of room and i looooove it.

they’ve all been special and mean a lot to me. so rather than picking a particular change, i think i’ll just remember them as they were and be so excited that i was fortunate enough to live in such special places.

how’s that for a cop out? 😉

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